Hardsuit Linna!
Source: TV
Layers: 1
No sketches available
Cel Number: A11
Standard size
End Cel
No Background
Added 2/24/2005
Updated 1/5/2007
Woo-hoo! I was happy to get this one, since it's such a gorgeous cel!! *_* The colors on it are AMAZING!! SQUEE!!
Anyhow, this is Linna in her hardsuit (At first, due to the suit's coloring, I thought it was Sylia, but I found the scene in Episode 6 and found out I was mistaken-- it's just weird lighting that makes it look like Sylia's suit... ^^;;)!!
(The BG pictured here does not match this cel, it's from the "YGO: Monsters" layout sketch of Red Eyes Black Dragon-- I just thought it looked nice with this one... ^^;;)