Soon-to-be-barbecued Dinos
Source: TV
Layers: 7
Sketches: 29
Cel Number: B1, C1-7 & 1-2, D1-6
Standard size
No Background
Added 7/19/2005
Wow...O.o These are among the most beautifully-detailed sketches I own! ^_^ It's Rex Raptor (Dino Ryuuzaki) while he's dueling Joey (Jonouchi) in ep 161! Here, Jou's newly-summoned Red Eyes Black Dragon prepares to attack the 3 dinos as Rex places another card face-down on the field!
Set contains a studio folder, 2 timesheets, 3 layout sketches, 3 preliminaries, 6 genga, and 17 douga! The whole thing is on 8 layers, A-H (I have all but layer "A", which is the underlying "Seal of Oricalcos"), so I've merged the layers together in the images-- I did leave the REBD off in one image so ya can see the pretty details of the dinos... ^w^
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