FullMetal Alchemist: hankens & op/ed

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Ultimate Homunculus HANKEN!! 8D *dork* (genga, orignal image)
Source: Hanken
Layers: 3
Sketches: 9
Cel Number: n/a
Oversize, 21.75W x 15H
Eyecatch Cel

Key Cel
End Cel
No Background

Added 1/8/2006
Updated 6/26/2007
*absolutely, positively, over-my-dead-body not for sale!!*

Gomen ne for the slightly-goofy dub-Greed reference in the title ("Ultimate"...*snicker*)
I am WAY too happy about this. It can't possibly be healthy. XD
Oh...my...GOD... *w* GREED HANKEN!!! *fangirl-spazz*

Sweet Lord, I can't believe I found a genga sketch of non-shieldy Greed (all I've ever seen are layout sketches!), and of him with Envy! And with their Oroboros tattoos visible! 8D And a gorgeous HANKEN at that!! *passes out*

(No words to say how much I adore Greed's hand gesture too... X3)

Took me 2 and a half months to pay it off, but it's worth every penny! (And it's super-honkin'-huge too... The layout sketch is more than twice the size of a regular cel! o.o Almost 2 feet wide! Envy's page alone was pieced together from 6 or 7 scans!)

And yes, I have a "drooling idiot fangirl" moment every time I look at these things... XD
Poor Sloth. I always ignore her. ^^; 'Specially with those other two in the picture... *wipes some drool off her spacebar*

This wonderful set includes a copied layout sketch, a copied sketch of the background design, an original correction sketch, 3 beautiful original pages of lineart (including hand-inked accents!), and copies of the lineart with hand-done douga shading! :D All nicely packaged in a studio folder!....well, two actually...taped together...>.>;; *lol*

Illustrated by: Kouji Sugiumi
Finished by: Youko Maemura
(I'm pretty sure I screwed up the names, so please let me know if you know the correct ones. XD)

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Curator: Linake
Gallery Created: 12/30/2004
Hits: 202064

Presentation 8.12/10   Collection 8.65/10   Overall 8.51/10   Votes 29 votes
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