'Sensei' hanken copy
Source: Hanken
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Oversize, 8.25W x 11.75H
Eyecatch Cel
Key Cel
No Background
Added 2/23/2006
"Sensei" meaning "teacher", of course... or in this case, "crazy woman with a hair-trigger temper"...
Is this not the most nauseatingly-adorable thing EVER? ^^ (I just love Al's pose-- he looks so tense!! XD)
Anyhow, this is a great studio-made copy of a hanken sketch! It's the original design that was later edited a bit to become a collector card hanken! (see below for the card)
Thanks again to the owner of the Zerospace & 4 Degree gallery for this great one! :D
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