'Trouble in the Military' hanken copy
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Oversize, 11.75W x 8.25H
Eyecatch Cel
Key Cel
No Background
Added 2/23/2006
Updated 5/12/2006
SCORE!! I now have all 7 Homunculii! (So what if my only sketch of Pride is a copy, they're all there! XD)
A nice studio-made copy of a hanken layout design! :D The design, used on a magazine illustration (and probably a collector card, at some point) features Roy in the foreground, with Fuhrer/King Bradley and "Juliet Douglas" on the left with Kimbley and Frank Archer on the right! :D (I just love how they did King Bradley here on the sketch... that eyepatch and that scribbly, bristly little Hitler-mustache, just to point out which one he is... *lol*)
Danke sehr to Zerospace & 4 Degree!
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