FullMetal Alchemist: hankens & op/ed

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Wrath ORIGINAL design settei!! -- set 2
Source: Other
Layers: 1
Sketches: 6
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Added 2/23/2006
Updated 2/15/2010
The other half of the set of original Wrath design settei!! ^____________^

Wrath never appeared in the manga (not like this, anyway), so the animators had to come up with a design for him for the show! :D

Here we have a HILARIOUS sketch of him as a Homunculus-- yawning. *lol*
(The sickeningly-cute facial expression on that page also bears a strange resemblance to the top-left expression on his published settei sheet, doncha think?)
There's also a sheet with details of the fox scar on his arm and the Oroboros on his foot and a great pose depicting his "human clothes" again, and an adorable sheet of facial angles! I thought it was interesting how they considered putting the Oroboros on his heel at one point... o.o
And ignore those big T-shaped dark spots on the sketches-- that's just the filmstrip slot on my scanner lid showing through ^^;; It's not on any of the actual sketches.

**These were probably drawn by Yoshiyuki Ito, the character designer for FMA**

HUGE thanks to Zerospace & 4 Degree for this incredible addition! ^____^

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Curator: Linake
Gallery Created: 12/30/2004
Hits: 202064

Presentation 8.12/10   Collection 8.65/10   Overall 8.51/10   Votes 29 votes
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