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Saiyuki Requiem: Oh YEAH?! **SIGNED!!!**
Source: Movie
Layers: 1
Sketches: 3
Cel Number: B3, 8, 9
Oversize, 12W x 10H

No Background

Added 5/3/2006
Updated 11/6/2008

SWEET!! Finally! A Requiem set! *happydance*
And even better, sketches of Goku and Gojyo wailing on each other...XD

Anyhow, here's a wonderful set of 3 douga sketches (B3, 8, & 9) from one of Goku & Gojyo's many arguments from the end of the Requiem movie! XD
At this point Goku --sitting in the back of Hakkai's Jeep-- has been depressed, but instantly perks up when Gojyo mentions breakfast. XD Gojyo, annoyed that Goku was just sad because he was hungry, slings a few insults at him, Goku yells back, and Gojyo jumps up to retaliate. ^^;;

(In the movie itself, Hakkai and Sanzo are blocking most of the view we have of Goku & Gojyo...I actually had to ID the scene based on the shading on Goku's wristband. O_o;;)

Got sketch #B3 signed at Anime Weekend Atlanta '07 by the super-cute Greg Ayres! ^___^
Isn't he a sweetie? ^^

Also got it signed by Ilich Guardiola at AWA '08! What are the odds? *lol*
(He wrote: "Stupid monkey!!!" *heart* Ilich Guardiola -- Gojyo)

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    Previous: Saiyuki: 'ENOUGH with you and your @#*$!-ing HAPPY PLACE!!' Next: Saiyuki Reload: Opening-- GOKU rotation!    

Curator: Linake
Gallery Created: 12/30/2004
Hits: 196744

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