Even beating the crap out of demons, Hakkai still has that happy little smile...
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: n/a
Oversize, 14.25W x 9.5H
Key Cel
End Cel
Original Matching Background
Added 8/8/2006
Updated 10/22/2008
A rare sketch of Hakkai being blatantly violent... *lol* It reminds me of a hilarious fanart I saw once... Hakkai with his usual smile on his face and saying "Boy, am I PISSED."
Anyhow, this adorable (?) layout sketch comes with a snazzy, action-y matching background! ^_^ (I've included a closeup of Hakkai's face so you can see that cuddly, happy expression *lol*) It's from the near-end of episode 37, when Hakkai is defending the town he grew up in against a flood of demons! (From seeing the episode itself, it didn't look like he really was smiling like the sketch shows. XD Which makes it a little funnier that the layout artist decided to throw that little grin in there, apparently just for fun... *lol*)
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