Patrick Seitz-- "Isshin Kurosaki" Autograph!!
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Added 11/20/2006
Updated 3/14/2011
A fantastic little shitajiki (which I had to rush-order-ship here from SWITZERLAND the week before the con...... Linake = procrastinator. =_=;; ) signed by the hysterical Patrick Seitz! ^_^ He said he's wanting to have tiny little Isshin stickers made that he can put on autographed items, since the poor guy isn't on any of the merchandise... ^^;; (Hey, I think it's a good idea! *nodnod*)
(Oh, and the bobblehead reference is to a little gift that I had for each of the voice actors at the con-- I gave Mr. Seitz a bobblehead of his character, Luke Valentine, from "Hellsing" XD Click here to see all of the bobbles that I took with me!)