Saiyuki: Reload/Gunlock

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Source: TV
Layers: 4
Sketches: 6
Cel Number: A1-2, B1-3, C1, D1-3
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Added 12/28/2006
Updated 3/3/2007
...hey, it's not everyday you get to see these two SHIRTLESS.
well. Not Hakkai, anyway. >.>

A set of 6 beautiful sketches, plus one time sheet, and with one of the most GORGEOUS layout sketches I've ever seen! I found it kinda funny that the artist drew in Hakkai's monacle on the layout, then erased it. ^^;; Not really visible in my popup scan, though. Gomen. ^_^;;

--Gojyo: "#%*!@, it's COLD!! >< Hey, Sanzo! Go get us some more firewood!"
--Sanzo: "Get a grip, you moron..."
--Gojyo: "Don't yell at ME, PRIEST! That stupid monkey stole my boxers again...! TT3TT"
--Hakkai: "He's right, it must have been. I couldn't have done it...I couldn't bring myself to wear anything of his. I mean, YOU'VE seen those pants he had last season. Those poofy ones? I wouldn't touch those with a stick..."
--Gojyo: ¬_¬

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    Previous: ...whaddaya mean 'cease fire'? Next: 'Oh! I can use this to dry off! :D '    

Curator: Linake
Gallery Created: 12/30/2004
Hits: 201552

Presentation 8.12/10   Collection 8.65/10   Overall 8.51/10   Votes 29 votes
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