Youkai Goku charges **SIGNED!!!**
Source: TV
Layers: 2
Sketches: 12
Cel Number: A1-6, B1-6
Standard size
End Cel
No Background
Added 2/5/2007
Updated 9/23/2007
SQUEE!! A lovely douga sequence of Youkai Goku!! This sequence is from episode 22, when Goku has finished fighting Kougaiji and runs forward to take a shot against Hakkai!
And on sketches A3-A6, he's even got a tiny little FANG!! Omigawd, how...out-of-place cute. XD
(below is A1, and the second thumbnail is the entire animated sequence!!)
*** Got sketch #A6 signed at Anime Weekend Atlanta '07 by the oh-so-sweet Greg Ayres! ^___^ *happydance* ***
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