Ep 75-- That's one BIG closet.
Source: TV
Layers: 4
Sketches: 42
Cel Number: BG, A1, B1-13, C1-13
Standard size
End Cel
No Background
Added 2/15/2007
Updated 11/2/2011
Wow. My titles really ARE getting worse. o_o;;
Anyhow, this is a full cut of genga/douga/etc from episode 75, cut 248, showing Ichigo and Rukia opening a doorway leading to a tall flight of stairs inside of Kariya's mansion.
(since the artwork portion of the sketches is so small, I've "zoomed in" on the characters in the pop-up animation below the description. :) )
A fairly large set, it includes 2 timesheets, 4 layouts, 8 genga, and 28 douga! ^^
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