Saiyuki:: SON GOKU

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'I saw Gojyo in the shower, and--...!'
Source: TV
Layers: 4
Sketches: 6
Cel Number: A, A1-3, B1, C1
Standard size

Key Cel
End Cel
No Background

Added 5/6/2007
Updated 6/9/2008
...aaaand we all can figure out where I was going with that. XD
(*cough* I'm sorry. I'm horribly perverted sometimes.)

Besides, it was either that, or a "Hey, it looks like I'm squishing his head!!" joke. ^^;;

Anyhow, this douga set is from episode 14, when Gojyo wanders off to find a woman for the evening and ends up with a little girl trailing him instead. Goku sees them together, and thinks they're dating. XD Later, he reports to Sanzo what he saw, saying "I saw Gojyo holding hands with a itty-bitty girl, THIS BIG!!"
Sanzo, of course, doesn't care. ^^;

Special thanks to Jenn for this awesome set!! XD


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Curator: Linake
Gallery Created: 12/30/2004
Hits: 201552

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