Hakkai OP
Source: TV
Layers: 2
Sketches: 4
Cel Number: A2, B1, C1
Standard size
Opening Cel
Key Cel
End Cel
No Background
Added 5/6/2007
Updated 5/6/2007
A BEAUTIFUL sketch set of Cho Hakkai, sitting in the rain, from the first opening of "Gensomaden Saiyuki"!!
The set came with 4 sketches--- a rough layout with notes, a cleaned-up layout, a genga of his monacle and the shadow on the ground, and a douga.
(I've merged the genga and douga layers together in the main image there-- the genga had the shadow on the ground and his monacle, which the douga was missing both. I've also included a closeup so you can see all the pretty detail. :) )
Special thanks to Jenn for this beauty!! ^________^ *hugs*
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