Fullmetal Alchemist: Greed (Chris Patton!)
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Added 5/23/2007
Updated 7/25/2007
Okay. I've got a third "tied for favorite" autograph. :)
(First one made out to my screenname, too! :D WHOO!!)
I had to bug (*coughbribecough*) my good buddy at DevArt, fallenangelalchemist to get my little chibi-Greed(s) signed by Mr. Patton at Anime Matsuri in the Spring. *lol* (would've gotten them signed by him at AnimeUSA last Fall, but they had a signature limit on the autograph line and, since I was getting one for a friend of mine, I met my quota. >3<;;)
According to her con-reporting, he was really amused to have heard, yet again, from the notorious "Bobblehead Girl" (my new nickname, somewhat given to me by Ms. Monica Rial at AnimeUSA. *ahaha*). From what she said, he got a good laugh at a demented FMA comic I sent along with the chibis, and then apparently decided to have a little fun regarding my birthday when signing the autograph (my B-day was barely over a month away at the time of the con). ^___^ According to what she said, he even kissed the pic for me. XD SQUEE!! *lol*
I'd had his little chibi-Greed finished and ready for signing for a LONG time now (it's styled like the other autographed chibis in my Autographs and FMA sections)! . . . The Chibi-Greeds definitely turned out to be FAR cuter than the other chibis, though. :P
Fanart by Linake ^^