Fullmetal Alchemist: Winry Rockbell (Caitlin Glass!) (2)
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: n/a
Oversize, 9W x 12H
No Background
Added 6/10/2007
Updated 11/14/2009
Animazement 2007
"Edward, come here, I've got something for you....^_^" *hides wrench behind back and tries to look innocent*
Despite how much I was looking forward to the con, courtesy of the residual effects of a wonderful little flu virus, I got knocked out of going to Animazement '07. =_=;; Luckily, my dear boyfriend (at the time) stepped in and got me a few AWESOME autographs. :)
For about 2 weeks I was coughing so much that I was only getting about 30 minutes of sleep a night, so I stayed up and worked on these fanarts (also did ones of Kiba from "Naruto" and Haruko from "FLCL" XD) and I did 2 of each character. :3 That way, I could go into secondhand-fangirl-mode and annoy the everloving crap out of Thomas by saying "Get one signed for me, and give them one too! 8D"
Miss Caitlin's always so nice, and I was thrilled that she liked how Winry turned out! ^__^ (Den was tricky though, and Winry's pose was a nightmare, but I'd always been wanting to do this pose. :) And Winry was a pretty ideal character choice for it, nice and cute! ^^)
Fanart by Linake ^^