Pretty Demon-Boy.... *w* **SIGNED!!!**
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 7
Cel Number: A1-3
Standard size
Key Cel
End Cel
No Background
Added 9/24/2007
Updated 10/22/2008
One of my absolute FAVORITE sketch sets!
As with over half of my other "Gensomaden" Kou sets, this one's from ep 35, during his battle with Homura! Here, he's leaping off of the ledge he was standing on to make his first strike!
...and I just had to include the layout sketch in my scans here. Granted, the pencil lines are photocopied (the orange, red, & blue coloring is hand-done though), but it's just such a beautiful sketch! ^____^ It's got such great motion in it!
*** Got genga sketch #A2 signed at Anime Weekend Atlanta '07 by the adorable Mr Vic Mignogna! ^___^ YAYNESS!!! ... ... Is it just me, or is it really amusing to see a vicious-looking Kou on the same page as a cute little heart? XD ***
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