DAMN her...!
Source: TV
Layers: 2
Sketches: 10
Cel Number: B1-7, C1-3
Standard size
Key Cel
End Cel
No Background
Added 2/11/2008
Updated 6/9/2008
A beautiful douga set of Kougaiji, showing his perpetual frustration with his devilish, manipulative semi-stepmother, Gyoukumen-kousho. (Well, technically she isn't really his stepmother, since she and Gyumaoh aren't married, but you get the point.)
Anyhow, the matching page of "Lady Koushou" (A1 end) is slightly oversized...It's a perfect sketch of her though! ^^ Too bad I don't like her. >w>
Kou's set, of course, is also gorgeous! I've animated it in the thumbnail below. ^___^
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