Animation-related Autographs

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Crayon Shin-Chan: Miss Anderson (Caitlin Glass!)
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: n/a
Oversize, 9W x 12H

No Background

Added 5/27/2008
I'm starting to run out of fanart ideas for Caitlin's characters, but I was so excited when I remembered that she does a voice in [Crayon] Shin-chan! XD *rofl*

(Kyle Hebert was sitting next to her at the table, and started quoting Shin lines while she was signing it. *dies laughing*)

She particularly chose to sign the pic in green, since Ms. Anderson's given/first name in the Japanese version is "Midori", which means "green"

Fanart by Linake

    Previous: Crayon Shin-Chan: Ai (Monica Rial!) Next: Detective Conan/Case Closed: Rachel Moore cel (Colleen Clinkenbeard!)    

Curator: Linake
Gallery Created: 12/30/2004
Hits: 201557

Presentation 8.12/10   Collection 8.65/10   Overall 8.51/10   Votes 29 votes
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