Animation-related Autographs

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AWA '08
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: n/a
Oversize, 12W x 9H

No Background

Added 9/23/2008
Updated 1/11/2009
Anime Weekend Atlanta 2008


At the con, we had an artist table for myself and my friends. On my DeviantArt account, a lot of my online buddies refer to me as the "Bobblehead Goddess" because I make little bobblehead figurines of anime characters, and most of the time, I'm making them for the voice actors & actresses that I meet at cons. ^_^ In my first 4 years of cons, I've given over 20 away of them to 18 different actors/actresses. ^^

Anyhow, to help promote commission sales for the bobbles, my friend Ramia made this sign for the table! Since we couldn't leave the table, we had another friend to go tell the actors that we had little gifts for them, and they ALL came to our table to pick them up! ^_^ I couldn't believe it!

While they were at our table, Ramia asked them to autograph this sign that we had out, and they all seemed to be happy to do it! ^^ How sweet of them!! ♥

(they signed using my Prismacolor markers, which is why it's colorful. XD Although Ilich signed in green --which he said was his favorite color-- so there's no randomness there, I guess. ^^)

**Vic Mignogna (purple)
**Travis Willingham (red)
**Ilich Guardiola (green)
**Monica Rial (pink)

...and THE BOBBLEHEADS, if you'd like to see them! ^^
(Tamaki from Ouran Host Club, Roy Mustang from FullMetal Alchemist, Gojyo from Saiyuki, and Hyatt from Excel Saga!)

(*just noticed*-- Awwwww.....Travis is the only one who didn't draw a heart.... :( *sniffle*)

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Curator: Linake
Gallery Created: 12/30/2004
Hits: 202064

Presentation 8.12/10   Collection 8.65/10   Overall 8.51/10   Votes 29 votes
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