Bleach: Season 4 (eps 64-91)

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Ep 69-- 'Because we're both Shiro-chan! ^_^'
Source: TV
Layers: 4
Sketches: 42
Cel Number: Aa, A1-10, B1-3, C1-
Standard size

Key Cel
End Cel
No Background

Added 12/26/2009
Updated 11/2/2011

When I first met Midori-san in-person at her AWA '09 dealer's booth, I nearly had a coronary when I saw that she had this set for sale....
And nearly had a stroke when my stupid brain reminded me that I'd already spent too much of my money and didn't have nearly enough for it. ><;

(To give you an idea of how pitiful the scene really was, I just sat there in a chair at her booth, holding it, with my friends rushing me and looking at me like I was demented, and staring at it like someone had just put the Holy Grail in my hands. I was thinking, "I know I have to give it back, but....c-can I just hold it another minute?...")

Luckily, I was able to email her later and pray that she still had the sketch set. THANK YOU, GOD, she said she hadn't sold it yet. XD

Sadly, though, even though I'd ordered and received the sketch set in mid-November, I couldn't actually have it until Christmas morning. ^^; I'd ordered it for my mom so that she could give it to me as my C-mas gift.
(Though, how perfect is it that I woke up Christmas morning to find a sketch set of Ukitake holding a Christmas stocking full of treats? XD)

Yes, I'm that pathetic. Shut up.
(All of us cel-collectors have that one wishlist cel that's just "THE ONE", so get off my back and let me fangirl to my heart's content. XD)

Funny thing is, though Hitsugaya is the more popular character, and I couldn't care less that he's in this cut. XD It's Ukitake that I'm after. :P
I mean, REALLY.
Look at that face.

Oh, Uki, you lovable doofus. ^_^

(set contains 2 timesheets, 1 layout, 8 genga, 9 shuusei/correction sketches, & 22 douga

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Curator: Linake
Gallery Created: 12/30/2004
Hits: 202064

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