Ep 264 -- Katen Kyōkotsu -- Wakizashi spirit
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 11
Cel Number: A1-2, A1-7
Oversize, 12.5W x 8.75H
Key Cel
End Cel
No Background
Added 6/19/2012
Updated 7/7/2012
I'd eventually like to add some Zanpakutou spirits to my collection, and though Sogyo no Kotowari is BY FAR my favorite, I couldn't resist such a rare --and lovely-- sketch of the smaller Katen spirit. :)
This cut apparently consists of a short sequence of her raising her head (shown here), along with a side-view of one of the swords (hers, I assume) in its shikai state.
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